2010년 8월 31일 화요일

Techno Viking doesn't dance to the music. The music dances to Techno Viking

"Techno Viking doesn't dance to the music. The music dances to Techno Viking."
테크노 바이킹은 음악에 맞춰 춤추지 않는다.
음악이 테크노바이킹에 맞춰 춤출뿐

그래서 나도 만들어봤다. 김건모의 '잘못된 만남'을 씌워봤더니
놀랍게도 어울린다. 어떤 음악에도 어울리는 테크노바이킹님의 춤
So I made my own video with song 'Wrongful Meeting' sung by Kim gun mo.

2000년 베를린 Fuckparade 에서
바이킹족을 연상하게 하는 거구의 백인 남성이
희롱당하는 여성을 도와주고 남성을 혼내는 비디오가
유튜브에 올라왔고
이 남성은 인터넷 10대 인물로 남아
현재까지도 인기를 누리고 있으며
'척노리스'를 물리칠 인물(척노리스 죠크)로 평가되고 있다
수많은 패러디를 양산했으며
http://technoviking.tv/ 이라는 웹사이트에서 기념품도
판매하고 각종 패러디 동영상도 링크하고 있다.
이 사람은 아직까지 대중앞에 나타나지 않고 있다

What is the video of TECHNOVIKING?
It is a short art video produced by Matthias Fritsch at the Fuckparade in Berlin in July 8th 2000. It's original title is "Kneecam No.1." Since it's dramaturgy and way of filming blures the border between fiction and documentary the original intention of publishing this art video was raising the question if the sequence is real or staged. In 2007 the video was discovered by the You-Tube community and posted by users in various other platforms. After being linked and discussed in different web sites and internet forums it got uploaded on break.com, a big american media portal "for guys" where the video had it's peak on September 28th with more than a million viewers in one day. In the following 6 months the Video got more than 10 Million clicks under the new name of "Techno Viking". The video became an Internet Meme.

Arround christmas 2009 the video's protagonist send a lawyer to the filmmaker in order to stop all further publication of the clip. After being not able to find a compromise outside court the filmmaker is still waiting for the trail to come. The personality rights claim resulted in a temporary annontiations block of the original video on youtube and the limitation to an only internal use of images which show the protagonist within the Technoviking archive.

Ever since the attention on the video is high up and hunderts of remix versions and responses to the video are published in the internet. Fans imitate the video's dramaturgy and re-enacted it in their homes, in clubs or on the streets. A selection of remixes is published on the website Technoviking.tv.

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